Terms & Conditions

Christmas at Sopwell House

  • Full payment is to be made at time of booking. All provisional bookings for the Christmas Residential Package (hereinafter referred to as “the Event” 2024) are considered enquiries and only confirmed when full payment is received.
  • Cancellations are fully refundable free of charge up until 5pm 2nd December 2024 and must be made in writing. Bookings cancelled after 5pm on the 2nd December 2024 cannot be refunded or have the funds transferred for the use of other products or services at the hotel.
  • Any alterations to bookings must be made in writing and subject to confirmation by the hotel
  • All details are correct at time of going to press and may be subject to alteration without prior notice.
  • All prices quoted are inclusive of VAT at the prevailing rate.
  • No service charge is applied to pre-booked packages. A discretionary service charge of 12.5% will be added for any food and beverage items outside of the Event. Any additional services must be paid for at the time.
  • Children 3 years and under stay and dine for free. 4-12 year olds are classed as children for the purpose of the event, and are charged accordingly. 13 to 17 year olds are classed as Juniors and will be charged accordingly. Soft drinks will be substituted in place of alcoholic drinks for all children.
  • The hotel requires a full residential address for all persons who will be attending the Event at the time of booking. In the event that a person is unable to attend the Event due to national, or local restrictions imposed by the government or local authority, that clearly and obviously effect their ability to legally attend the Event, then a full refund will be made.
  • All pre-orders of menus must be provided to the hotel no later than the 10th December 2024, otherwise Chef’s choice will apply. Any bookings taken after the 20th December will be Chef’s choice only and may be limited.
  • Children must be supervised at all times over the Christmas period and especially in the pool area.
  • All dietary and allergen requirements must be communicated at time of booking and confirmed again when making menu choices. Any special dietary and allergen requirements are not available to request on the day. All requests are treated with extra care, nevertheless due to the nature of our offering and kitchens we cannot guarantee that any item served is 100% allergen or intolerance free.
  • The hotel reserves the right to change the way food is delivered or presented in accordance with government guidelines enforced, or any crises that may arise of which the hotel is not responsible for, without prior notice.
  • Should the hotel, for reasons beyond its control (due to government guidelines restrictions or any other national or local crises), need to change, modify or otherwise amend the format, dining style, music, entertainment, offering, or timings of the Event, then it will use all reasonable endeavours to make comparable alternatives and/or facilities at no additional cost. These alternatives and/or facilities shall form the limit of the hotel’s liability in respect of the Event.
  • In the event that the hotel is unable for reasons beyond its control to offer any reasonable alternatives and/or facilities, or cancel the Event, then any monies paid in advance in respect of the Event shall be refunded. Such refund shall represent the full and entire liability of the hotel to the Client and the Client shall have no further claims whatsoever against the hotel whether under this contract or otherwise.