Guest Information

Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about the hotel and our services.

Guest Information

  • Check-out & Late Check-out

    Check-out & Late Check-out

    Check-out is at 11.00am on day of departure. Late check-out is available at an extra cost, subject to availability, please contact Reception.

  • Wake-up call

    Wake-up Call

    Please contact reception to arrange your wake-up call.

  • Room Temperature Control

    Room Temperature Control

    All rooms are fitted with air conditioning units. To operate, please ensure that your key card is inserted, and that the mode on the air conditioning display is set to automatic (shown by an ‘A’). Room temperature is adjusted using the up and down arrows. More specific instructions are located by the control unit.

  • Smoking


    All our rooms are non-smoking and will incur a charge of £250 for deep cleaning.

  • Car Parking

    Car Parking

    We provide complimentary car parking for our guests - please ensure you leave your registration details with reception. There are three electric vehicle charging points available for guests to use. Please contact reception for rates and instructions.

    CCTV is in operation however, please note that vehicles and their contents are left entirely at owners’ risk.

  • Taxis


    Reception can arrange a taxi for you. Please contact us no later than 15 minutes before your journey.


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